The exhaustive list of topics in Compiler Design in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
Compiler Structure :
- Analysis-Synthesis model of Compilation
- Various Phases of a Compiler
- Tool based approach to Compiler Construction
- Lexical Analysis
- Interface with Input
- Parser and Symbol Table
- Token
- Lexeme and Patterns
- Difficulties in Lexical Analysis
- Error Reporting and Implementation
- Regular definition
- Transition diagrams
- Syntax Analysis
- Context free Grammars
- Ambiguity
- Associativity
- Precedence
- Top Down Parsing
- Recursive Descent Parsing
- Transformation on the Grammars
- Predictive Parsing
- Bottom Up Parsing
- Operator Precedence Grammars
- LR Parsers (SLR, LALR, LR)
- Inherited and Synthesized Attributes
- Dependency Graph
- Evaluation Order
- Bottom Up and Top Down Evaluation of Attributes
- L- and S-Attributed Definitions
- Type System
- Type Expressions
- Structural and Name Equivalence of Types
- Type Conversion
- Overloaded Functions and Operators
- Polymorphic Functions
- Storage Organization
- Activation Tree
- Activation Record
- Parameter Passing
- Symbol Table
- Dynamic Storage Allocation
- Intermediate Representations
- Translation of Declarations
- Assignments
- Intermediate Code generation for Control Flow
- Boolean Expressions and Procedure Calls
- Implementation Issues
- Syntax Directed Definitions
- Type Checking
- Run Time System
- Intermediate Code Generation
- Code Generation and Instruction Selection
- Issues
- Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs
- Register Allocation
- Code Generation
- DAG Representation of Programs
- Code Generation from Dags
- Peep Hole Optimization
- Code Generator Generators
- Specifications of Machine
- Code Optimization
- Source of Optimizations
- Optimization of Basic Blocks
- Loops
- Global Dataflow Analysis
- Solution to Iterative Dataflow Equations
- Code Improving Transformations
- Dealing with Aliases
- Data Flow Analysis of Structured Flow Graphs