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Numerical methods in civil engineering homework help

Do your numerical methods in civil engineering homework give you sleepless nights? Get high-quality, timely numerical methods in civil engineering assignment help from our top-notch online tutors, most of whom are practicing civil engineers. Hire us today and get the most fulfilling solutions since we make sure that your assignment is handled by the most suitable online numerical methods in civil engineering homework helper. This is made possible because the tutor to take your assignment is chosen through a competitive selection method, whereby the level of education and experience are the key determiners.

The exhaustive list of topics in Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:

  • Numerical Methods:
    • Numerical methods.
    • Sources of error in numerical solutions: truncation error, round off error.
    • Order of accuracy - Taylor series expansion.
  • Direct Solution of Linear systems:
    • Gauss elimination
    • Gauss Jordan elimination.
    • Pivoting
    • Inaccuracies due to pivoting.
    • Factorization
    • Cholesky decomposition.
    • Diagonal dominance
    • Condition number
    • Ill conditioned matrices
    • Singularity and singular value decomposition.
    • Banded matrices
    • Storage schemes for banded matrices
    • Skyline solver.
  • Iterative solution of Linear systems:
    • Jacobi iteration.
    • Gauss Seidel iteration.
    • Convergence criteria.
  •  Direct Solution of Non Linear systems:
    • Newton Raphson iterations to find roots of a 1D nonlinear equation.
    • Generalization to multiple dimensions.
    • Newton Iterations
    • Quasi Newton iterations.
    • Local and global minimum
    • Rates of convergence
    • Convergence criteria.
  • Iterative Solution of Non Linear systems:
    • Conjugate gradient.
    • Preconditioning.
  •   Partial Differential Equations:
    • Partial differential equations.
    • First and second order equations.
    • Analytical solutions.
    • Method of characteristics.
  • Numerical Differentiation:
    • Difference operators (forward, backward and central difference).
    • Stability and accuracy of solutions.
    • Application of finite difference operators to solve initial and boundary value problems.
  • Finite Element Method as a method to solve partial differential equations:·
    • Strong form of the differential equation.
    • Weak form.
    • Galerkin method: the finite element approximation.
    • Interpolation functions: smoothness, continuity, completeness, Lagrange polynomials.
    • Numerical quadrature: Trapezoidal rule, simpsons rule,Gauss quadrature.
  • Numerical integration of time dependent partial differential equations:
    • Parabolic equations: algorithms - stability
    • Consistency and convergence
    • Lax equivalence theorem.
    • Hyperbolic equations: algorithms - Newmark's method
    • Stability and accuracy
    • Convergence
    • Multi-step methods.
  • Numerical solutions of integral equations:
    • Types of integral equations.
    • Fredholm integral equations of the first and second kind.
    • Fredholm's Alternative theorem.
    • Collocation and Galerkin methods for solving integral equations.