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Surveying assignment help at an affordable price

Is your surveying assignment giving you no peace? Scratch your head no more, for we are here to save you time and energy by serving you with top-notch surveying homework help at an affordable price. Our online surveying assignment solvers are dedicated and experienced enough to handle both your long-term and short-term. Our online services are anchored on the principles of high-quality solutions, affordability of services, originality of content, and timely deliveries. Hire us today and stand to benefit from our friendly customer support system and huge client discounts.

The exhaustive list of topics in Surveying in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:

  • Geoinformatics:
    • Field Surveying- definition & objectives
    • Concept of Geoid and reference spheroids
    • Coordinate systems
    • Plane and geodetic surveys
    • Methods of location of a point- classification of surveys
    • Principles of surveyingErrors in measurements- sources
    • Types of errors and their treatment.
    • Random error distribution
    • Accuracy
    • Precision and uncertainty
    • Surveying instruments- temporary and permanent adjustment concept
    • Principle of reversal.Maps- types, importance, scales/CI, conventional symbols, and generalization
    • Topographic mapsmap projection systems
    • Sheet numbering systems
    • Map layout.
    • Direct and indirect methods
    • Chain and tape measurements- corrections to tape measurements
    • Optical methods- tacheometers
    • Sub tense bar
    • Electronic methods- EDMs, total stations.
    • Various terms
    • Methods of height determination
    • Spirit leveling- different types of levels and staves
    • Booking and reduction of data
    • Classification and permissible closing error
    • Profile leveling and cross sectioning
    • Curvature & refraction and collimation errors
    • Reciprocal levelingContours- characteristics
    • Uses and methods of contouring.
    • Bearings and angles
    • Compass surveying- magnetic bearings, declination, local attraction errors and adjustments
    • Theodolites- different types, uses, methods of observation and booking of data.
    • Purpose and classification of each
    • Compass and theologize traverses- balancing of traverses
    • Computation of coordinates
    • Omitted measurements.
    • Triangulation- network
    • Strength of figures
    • Field work- racy
    • Selection of stations
    • Inter-visibility
    • Satellite stations
    • Measurements and computations
    • Trigonometrical leveling.
    • Merits and demerits
    • Accessories
    • Orientation and resection
    • Methods of plane tabling
    • Three point problem and solutions
    • Errors in plane tabling.
    • Propagation of errors
    • Variance and covariance
    • Least squares principle and adjustment of field survey data by parametric and condition equation methods.
    • Engineering project surveys- requirements and specifications
    • Various stages of survey work Setting out of works- buildings
    • Culverts and simple circular curves.